
How To Search On Google Effectively With Tips and Tricks

How To Search On Google Effectively With Tips and Tricks - StepPhase

How to Search Effectively on Google Well, Google is big and has lots of features that you have no idea about. We use it only for simple searches, but there are a lot of interesting Google search techniques and tips and tricks that will be very helpful for you, and you should know about them. So here I present you the most 20 useful Google Tips & Tricks you must know.

Numbers to Words Converter

Many times this happens when there’s a number, for example, 98964551554. It’s made it difficult to convert into words, So here is the simple trick of Numbers to Words Converter Just go to and search, For example, 98964551554=english


Movie Search for Stream & Download

When we are searching for movies on the internet, many websites have spam links and pop-up ads, which make it difficult to find the correct link. With Google Search’s simple trick, you can find the movie on google drive if someone has uploaded it.

Just go to and search, for example, Joker Movie Google Drive

Joker Google Drive - StepPhase

Experience Windows 93

You can experience the old Windows 93 operating system to understand the earlier windows version online.

Just go to and search Windows 93 and open the first site

Experience Windows 93 - StepPhase

ElgooG (Google spelled backward) is a mirrored website of Google Search with horizontally flipped search results, also known as a “Google mirror”. On this website whatever you search it will be shown in the mirror style, it’s a fun trick to use.

Google Mirror Search - StepPhase

Pac-Man Doodle Google Game

If you get bored while working on your machine and want to do some time passing, you can play doodle games on Google, including one of the oldest games, Pac-Man, which is fun to play. You can also find more games in the related section.

Just go to and search Pac-Man doodle

Pac Man Doodle Google Game - StepPhase

With this Google Reverse Image Search feature you can search with a picture using Google’s search by image.

  • Just go to Google Images website
  • Click on Camera Icon
  • You can search by image URL or by uploading an image.
  • After uploading the image you will start getting the results.
Google Reverse Image Search - StepPhase

Search Keywords by Google Autocomplete

If you are a blogger or SEO enthusiast, you can find keywords based on what users search for the most on the internet with the help of Google Autocomplete. For example, if you start typing “How to make the computer” then you can get the next word like “faster”, “virus”, or “hang free”.

Search Keywords by Google Autocomplete - StepPhase

With this autocomplete feature you can create articles or videos on it for your audience.

Google Flights Search Anywhere

You can find the status of your flight instantly on Google, by just entering the flight number. You will start getting details like scheduled departure time, scheduled arrival time, terminal, and gate number in real time.

Google Flights Search Anywhere - StepPhase

You can use Google to search and explore underwater space. Google Underwater Search is one of the best April Fool’s Days jokes.

Just go to and Search Google Underwater Search open the first website which is

Google Underwater Search - StepPhase

You can find a related website you want just search. For example, then you will start getting a list of video-sharing platform websites.

URL Calculator

You can instantly calculate any number without opening the calculator app on your machine or app. Just right in your Google Chrome browser’s address bar, you can do calculations

URL Calculator - StepPhase

Google Find My Device

If you lost your device or forgot where you placed it at home, with this simple search, you can track your device.
Just go to and Search Find My Device

You can click on “Ring” and your mobile phone will start ringing. If you have lost your device, you can lock the device or delete all the data from your mobile. You just need to be logged into your Google account to do so.

Find Past & Upcoming Festivals or Events Date & Day

If you don’t know when Diwali or any other festival or event will be, simply search. For example, on Diwali 2022 you will get the date and day.

Check the Weather in Any City

You can check the weather in any city with just a simple Google search. For example, in the Mumbai weather, you will get the Temperature, Precipitation, Humidity, and Wind details.

Instant Translate

You can instantly translate and get the meaning of a word easily by simple search directly from Google Chrome’s address bar. For example

  • how to mean in Japanese
  • Kaise ho in English
Instant Transalation on Google Chrome Address Bar - StepPhase

Search by Extensions

If you are searching for anything on Google and want things in a specific file format. For example, in Software Engineering books pdf you will start getting results of pdf-based articles.

You can search for anything like .exe, .mp4, .docx, or .xlsx behind the word of your search.

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Written by stepphase

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