
Make money writing and without being Stephen King!

Yes, as you have read, it is possible to earn money writing. Surely you are thinking that this is only achieved by those people who have published a book and have been successful or perhaps you think of a famous newspaper editor.

Well let me tell you that you are right… But not in everything. Indeed there are people who have achieved successful sales with their books and have earned many euros. But there are also others that despite not being number one in sales, have managed to earn money writing on the internet, they have not made a fortune but it has allowed them to pay some bills.

And what are the requirements?

Well, the technical requirements are: a computer and internet access, but you probably already meet this.

Another requirement is … obviously … that you like to write and that you do it well. Well, maybe it is not a mandatory requirement, but if your passion is writing, without a doubt you are going to enjoy this way of making money.

How much can I earn?

Honestly, you are not going to become a millionaire just by sitting down and writing. Few people have been successful with their first jobs, but hey, even if the odds are small, there are.

The payment is usually made for the number of words you have written, and it will depend on the project that you are commissioned.

So what are those ideas to earn money writing?

Here are 5 ideas with which you can earn money writing on the Internet. With any of them, you could start today🙂

1. Write a blog (how original!)

Yes, okay. It is not an original idea, but it is an idea that works if you do all the work correctly.

Although you probably already know. Earning money writing a blog is about creating content, articles on the subject you have chosen in order to provide new or complementary information to your readers.

To create your blog you can use tools such as WordPress or Blogger, with templates that save you time and money if you are not an expert.

To generate income with a blog, you can use these ways:

  • Put ads on your blog, for example through Google AdSense.
  • Recommend certain products or services from other websites, earning a commission for each sale produced.
  • Sell ​​services or your own products.

A blog can generate high income, but this is achieved when it also reaches a high number of visits. That is why it is important that you publish content regularly, but not just anything is worth it. It must be original and quality content.

2. Contact other blogs and earn money writing content for them

Another option to earn money writing from the comfort of your home is creating content for other blogs.

You can contact other bloggers directly, through their contact form and propose your service to them. Also on the Internet you can find several websites where there are ads from bloggers looking for writers on different topics.

My recommendation here is that you choose or look for a theme that you already know or that you like, although this is not mandatory either. You can also write about a topic that is new to you or that you do not control too much, but perhaps it will take more time. In any case, the more possibilities you offer, the higher your income will be.

You can also propose complementary services, such as the management of social networks.

And very important, always meet the delivery times you have agreed.

3. You dare to write about sports, motherhood, beauty, etc. Earn money by writing to order

Yes, it is similar to the previous one. Although here I really mean to register on websites where you propose your services to different types of clients, which can be: blogs, companies, reviews or magazines.

On these websites you can also find ads from those who are looking for writers, and if you are interested in one, send a request. And according to the instructions they have given you, start writing.

4. Do you speak English? You speak french ?… Earn money translating texts

If you have good knowledge of another language you can translate texts and earn money for it. How? Register on a specialized website (I will mention some later) and complete your profile with your skills.

Obviously, to offer a correct and good quality translation you must have a wide vocabulary in your mother tongue and know a foreign language. So it is better to accept translations from another language to yours (mother tongue) and better if you accept translations on a subject that you already have knowledge or experience of, this will save you time and your translations will have higher quality.

Once you’ve built a reputation for quality translations, you can set higher prices and earn more.

If you are worried about not having experience, I recommend doing some translations for free at the beginning, as a volunteer translator for NGOs. You can look for example in the Red Cross or in other organizations, they will be good references and your first clients.

To expand your opportunities, you can offer your services on websites in the country of the language you speak.

And remember to always meet the agreed delivery deadlines.

5. “Once upon a time…” or “Complete guide to…”, etc. It can be the beginning of a good book, right? Earn money writing an ebook

We are not going to fool ourselves, writing a good book will take you more than an afternoon, it is not easy. But if you have more time and if you are passionate about writing, do it! You can also use tools like AmazonLulu, or Bubok to save intermediary costs and publish your book. But the work does not end here, you need to make yourself known and get people’s attention to buy it if you are not a well-known writer.

I cannot tell you how much you can earn for a book, nor can I assure you that you will be successful. There are really very few cases of unknown writers who have succeeded in their first job.

On the latter, Franck Scipion speaks of Lifestyle squared, doing an analysis to know if writing a book to sell it is profitable or not. His main conclusion is that “writing books for a living is a pretty risky gamble,” and he shows it with numbers. If you want to read the whole article, click here.

It’s certainly quite risky, so don’t think that writing a book is an easy task, or that it will make you a millionaire once you’ve finished it. If you decide to write something, I recommend that you do something original and different!

Have you decided to start writing to earn money?… Before you have to read these recommendations

While I was looking for information for this article I have come across several scams.

That is why my main recommendation is that you be careful if you come across websites that offer you a job as a writer in exchange for a sum of money. You NEVER have to pay to write.

The websites that I recommend here will not charge you for registering, they are free. DO NOT trust those websites that ask you to pay money to register.

If you need some tips to become a good writer, I recommend two good articles.

The first is if you are interested in being a blog writer and you want to learn 10 tricks to become a better writer and get the reader’s attention.

And the second is an article with Stephen King’s 15 tips to be a good writer, surely this name sounds familiar to you, right? Or perhaps you have read some of his books.

And what websites allow me to earn money writing on the Internet?

Remember me, 2010

I have made a list of 11 websites in Spanish, where you can register, publish or apply for jobs as a writer, translator, content editor, and more.

You can register for free. Normally the payment is made upon delivery of the work and the website applies a commission at this time. When it comes to orders, they will specify the delivery time and / or number of words, among other things that your client needs.

  • Artigoo. You can create content on different themes: articles, news, reviews, opinions, recipes, etc. You can earn for each click made to the advertising that will be in your publication.
  • Globedia. You can register as an editor or collaborator of this collaborative journal and you can win the donations made by the readers of your article.
  • Freelancer. On this website, you can also find freelance work writing articles.
  • Cloud it. (acquired by Freelancer) Find writing and translation jobs, every day there are new interesting offers.
  • Freelance work. We have already talked about this website in other articles. Here you will also see several ads in the category:  Writings
  • Muobo (formerly Find a blogger). This website is focused on the blogging world. The offers you will find will be from both commercial and personal blogs.
  • Textbroker. You will find thousands of orders of different themes.
  • TextMaster. You find translation, writing, proofreading, and content marketing assignments.
  • Geniuzz. In the section: writings and translations, you can publish your ad, describing the service and the price.
  • Twago. You can find translation and writing projects.
  • Fiverr. This website is well known, you can publish your ad in the writing and translation category for $ 5.


If you are passionate about writing, this is a good way to take advantage of it to earn extra money per month, or make it your way of life, why not? But you will need many hours of work and perseverance.

Of the ideas that I have proposed the most risky without a doubt, is to publish a book, because you will need many hours writing, correcting, researching (perhaps) and nobody guarantees success, but neither can anyone assure you that it will not you’re going to get.

If you don’t think these ideas are for you, you can discover other ideas by clicking here, and don’t miss the opportunity to earn extra money.

And you, do you have writing experience? Have you earned money for writing?

Feel free to share your experience in the comments. You can also use the contact form .😉

Also, Read

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Written by Shraddha Diwan

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