
Make easy money with very little effort your monthly income

easy money

Can you imagine being able to complete your monthly income with easy money? A small amount that is added month after month to your salary without having to do practically anything. Well, this is not a dream, it is a reality. I’m going to explain how to get it, as well as the scams you should avoid.

All that glitters is not gold if you want to earn quick and easy money

Surely on some occasion you have come across a website, a blog, or a comment in a forum from someone who promises you that you can earn thousands of euros a month without doing practically anything .

I have also seen them and I have thought the same as you, “this cannot be true . ” But unfortunately, there are people who are going through a bad time and need to believe that this is true, which makes them potential victims for scammers.

There are hundreds of examples of scams online that want to make you believe that you are going to make money. If you fall into them, hopefully you will only lose some time , but it is quite possible that you will also end up losing money .

Here are three examples:

Remote jobs that don’t exist

The modus operandi is almost always the same. You find a job offer that allows you to earn money from home, usually a very interesting amount. You do not need any type of training or experience and they practically do not explain what the position consists of.

What they do tell you is that in order to access the job, it is necessary that you pay an amount for management expenses, training, etc. If you take the hook and pay, you will never hear from that supposed company or job again.

The binary options scam

The binary options are an investment system tightly regulated and legal. But there are always scam artists willing to take advantage of the ignorance and situations of need for others.

This investment system is somewhat complex and is not suitable for people without knowledge. But they sell it to you as if it were the easiest thing in the world. And urge you to seize the opportunity and earn a lot of money.

You put your money for that supposed investment and it goes directly into the pocket of the scammer who, logically, is not going to make the investment that he has promised you .

Receive easy money in your checking account

There is a scam in which someone contacts you by email and asks you to use your checking account as a platform to make money from one country to another. All this accompanied by a more or less credible story about why you need to move the money. And the reasons why you need an intermediary.

Of course, in exchange for doing nothing and putting your checking account, it offers you to keep a percentage of each transaction . And here comes the scam. In the best of cases, they access your account and keep your money.

Do you want to know what happens in the worst case? That they use your account to move money, they don’t pay you anything for it and you also become an accessory to a possible money laundering crime.

earn quick and easy money scams

Beware of rare emails to earn money! They can be scams.

I could go on and on, but I think with these examples you get the idea. In the end, What all scams have in common is that they offer you to earn a lot of money quickly. Plus without doing practically anything.

Now, this does not mean that you cannot earn quick and easy money online and even offline. What happens is that you have to have a head. Money does not fall from the sky . There are formulas with which you can effortlessly get a little extra, but they are not usually large quantities.

Before going on to see how to earn easy money, admit me some advice so that you do not end up being the victim of a scam: if something is too good to be true, it is a lie .

Earn easy money in your spare time

Do you have a computer or mobile with an Internet connection? Do you have a little free time? Well then you already have everything you need to complete your income with a few more euros.

They are precisely what their name indicates. Through any of the platforms that I will tell you about later, you receive surveys prepared by brands that seek to obtain information from consumers . You spend a few minutes filling them in and in return you receive a small payment.

Some of the ones that work best are Toluna, Lifepoints, and i-Say. Let’s see them in a little more detail.


Toluna is one of the most famous survey websites and accepts users from both Spain and abroad. It has a simple, pleasant, and intuitive interface, and it will not take you more than 20 minutes to answer each survey.

You accumulate points that are later transformed into money, And that you can collect by bank transfer, through PayPal, or by gift vouchers. In addition, it has a referral system with which you earn money for each person you invite to participate.

You earn points for completing surveys, but also for other activities such as visiting certain websites, completing registrations, making purchases or voting for sponsored content.


Although it is a relatively new platform, Lifepoints is actually the sum of the experience of two classic survey panels, GlogalTestMarket and MySurvey.

Once you register they send you surveys to your email. The points you earn depend on the time you have to dedicate to them. Some last only 10 minutes, but others can exceed 30.

The points you get can be exchanged directly for gifts, but also for a check to spend on Amazon or for a balance that you will collect through PayPal (you can request payment from 600 points, which is € 5).


The i-Say platform is managed by Ipsos, a market research company that has been active since 1975. In this case, it is aimed exclusively at the Spanish public.

You can register for free in just a few minutes. And once you have filled out your profile you start receiving surveys.

For each completed questionnaire you receive points that you can later exchange for Amazon checks or gift certificates for other stores. Typically, you receive between one and two surveys per week.

In addition, it has a referral system with which you can increase your earnings by adding points for each of your friends who join the platform.

Mysterious client

Companies need to know if the attention they are giving to customers in their establishments is really good, and for this they usually resort to the figure of the mystery or ghost customer.

This is someone who pretends to be an ordinary customer , but who is actually in charge of examining important aspects such as the treatment that the shop assistants give to the public, if the store is tidy, if it is accessible, etc.

Both on online job search platforms (Infojobs and similar) and on specific websites such as or International Service Check you can find offers to work as a mystery client.

You just have to spend a few hours and then present a report telling your experience . In case you have to buy something in the investigated establishment, the company will pay you for it.

It is a simple and even fun activity that I have done myself. 

how to make easy money mystery client
The mystery shopper is not here to buy, but to watch.

Monetize your social media

You don’t have to be a famous influencer with thousands of followers. If you have a medium-sized account (over 1,000 followers) you can earn some income by posting sponsored content.

On platforms such as Publisuites, SocialPubli or Coobis you can find advertisers who will pay you a few euros to put a tweet or a message on Facebook talking about them. Logically, the more followers you have, the more money you can earn.

Make easy money with your skills

Sure there are a lot of things that you are good at. We all have some (or several) skills that make us stand out a little bit.

Maybe you speak several languages, or you take beautiful photos, or you are good at math. Well, thanks to the Internet you can take advantage of these skills.

Somewhere in the world, there is someone right now who needs those special abilities that you have and is willing to pay for them.

You can create your own website or blog and offer your professional services as a translator, editor, photographer, etc. But if you don’t want to complicate your life so much, you can go directly to platforms that will help you find clients.

Image banks

All the content that is uploaded to the Internet is usually accompanied by images. Those of us, like me, who have a website, are always in constant search of royalty-free photos that we can use legally and have quality.

What I do is go to repositories or image repositories, but these files need to be constantly renewed. Well, if you are good at photos, you can upload them to these platforms and charge each time someone downloads one of your images to use it .

Here are some examples:

  • Pixabay
  • Pexels
  • Unplash
  • Picography


Minijobs are a trend in the digital world. There are specialized platforms where you can offer others your online or offline services : create a website, write a text, make a logo, walk and take care of dogs, etc.

There are a lot of variety of professional markets. Among the most prominent I cannot fail to mention Upwork, Freelancer and Toptal . If you handle English well, you can try the well-known Fiverr .

How to make easy money with what you have

The alternatives that I just showed you in the previous section can help you earn a few extra euros, although they could also help you find a new way to earn a living, since you can professionalize your skills.

But if you are happy with your job and you don’t want to have to work on anything else to earn money, a very good option is to take advantage of what you have.

Sell ​​what you don’t use

If the crisis has had something good, it is that now we are more aware of our resources. And we are no longer afraid of buying second-hand things. According to this article in elPeriódico, buying and selling second-hand also helps us to achieve a more sustainable world.

Thanks to pages like Milanuncios or apps like Wallapop, it will be very easy for you to sell all those things that you do not use: books, clothes, tools, etc.

Not only do you get extra money, but you also take advantage of it and put your house in order. Having less things will help you see life with more perspective and escape the consumerism that may be causing you to spend more.

Do you have used books? Sell ​​them and you’ll make yourself some extra money.

Rent your house

If you have a second home that you hardly use, or you are going to spend a season away, you can consider renting your house, either for long periods of time or through vacation rental platforms such as AirBnb.

Another way to get money with your house without having to go live somewhere else is to rent a room that you have free . You can get an average of € 200 to € 300 or even more, it depends on where you live.

Here you can check what you could get .

Advertising in your car

If you own a car there are several ways you can earn money with it. The simplest is to rent it as an advertising space . Companies such as Impacto Dual or Serbecar are specialized in these services.

All you need is that your car is in good condition. It should be live in an urban area and travel several kilometers every day. For the rest, you do not have to worry about anything, just to charge the amount agreed for advertising.

Rent a car

If you have a car but don’t use it every day, you can also earn money with it. The platforms car rental particular are a very interesting novelty. They take care of everything, including insurance.

In this Mapfre article, you can answer your questions about how this system works, whether you want to rent your car or if you want to rent a vehicle from a private individual.

There are many specialized platforms in this sector. You can have a look at SocialCar or Drivy .

Monetize a website

If at any time you have created a web page or a blog, you can also get money from it. And If you do not use it, you can directly consider selling it.

If it is an active website with traffic, you can get extra income. Moreover, if you include advertising through Google AdWords, sell advertising space on your site, links, or sponsored articles.

Getting money with your website will involve a little more effort on your part. Since you must work on it so that it is positioned and attractive to potential advertisers.


You’ve seen it, there are many ways to earn easy money. Forget the false promises to earn thousands of extra euros and focus on more realistic options. With a little effort, or using the things you already have, you can end the month with a few extra euros in your pocket. Surely they are not bad for you. Follow these keys that I have given you and I am sure that the end of the month no longer seems so terrible.

Photos: Pixabay

What do you think?

Written by Shraddha Diwan

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