
Bluehost Affiliate Program Marketing Guide

Affiliate marketing is a simple way for you to earn a commission and for Bluehost to earn customers.

How it works?

We partner with individuals who are interested in promoting our products, offering a performance-based reward when they refer a new customer. Affiliates can use a combination of online tools to generate leads, such as a banner ad on their website
or a promotional blog post. Each purchase is tracked so we can pay you a commission on the sales you generate.

This style of marketing is growing across industries. In fact, affiliate marketing is expected to grow to nearly $6.8 billion industry in the next five years, according to a 2016 survey. At Bluehost, we believe our satisfied customers are the best people to promote our products. And since being an affiliate gives you some extra cash, it’s a great way for us to succeed on the web together.

Industry Leader

Since our founding in 2003, Bluehost has continually pioneered new ways to empower people to fully harness the web. Based in Orem, Utah, we provide comprehensive tools to millions of users throughout the world so anyone — novice or pro — can get on
the web and thrive.

Our customers have unlimited potential, so we were one of the first web hosts to offer unmetered bandwidth along with unlimited storage space, email capacity, and domains. We were also one of the first hosting companies to offer 24/7 customer support.

Now, as a leader in both technology and service, we work tirelessly to build products that our affiliates can proudly promote.

Unbeatable Tracking

Our internal tracking system is custom-built to ensure you receive every single commission you earn. While other affiliate programs typically rely on only one or two primary tracking techniques, we utilize multiple methods to ensure accuracy. To give credit where credit is due, we start with the most effective tracking method available and then work down until we’ve exhausted all possible attribution techniques.

Your Affiliate Account

Now that you know what affiliate marketing is and why you should partner with Bluehost, it’s time to get acquainted with your account. To follow along, log in at

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Written by stepphase

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