
Uber Eats’ Delivery Robots Are Making Their Way To Miami.

cartken delivery robots

Uber has begun using automated robots to deliver food in Miami, Florida. Next year, the company plans to extend the service to more cities.

Uber has announced a cooperation with the Oakland-based robotics company Cartken for automated food deliveries in Miami, Florida. After forming a partnership with two autonomous delivery services, Uber Eats announced its intention to use solely sidewalk robots and self-driving cars to deliver food orders to clients in Los Angeles. Regarding Cartken, the business is best recognized for its collaboration with Grubhub to distribute food to a number of American college campuses. Earlier this year, Ohio State University trialed the programme; since then, it has expanded to numerous colleges and universities.

Uber’s self-driving delivery service began on Thursday with a few shops in Miami-Dade County’s Dadeland neighborhood. However, the company plans to extend the service to Miami-Dade and other areas sometime in the following year. Uber’s cooperation with Cartken “is an expansion of the company’s ambitions to employ automated and autonomous technologies to unlock greater innovation for consumers and merchant partners,” according to an official press release from Uber.

Automated Robots Are Using Miami-Dade County To Deliver Food

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Cartken’s AI-powered sidewalk delivery robots are already in use around the country for neighborhood food and grocery delivery, campus meal delivery, and curbside pickup, but this will be the first time they will be used for a worldwide delivery service outside of college campuses.

Customers who choose to have their deliveries made by robots will receive notifications when their food is on the way, according to screenshots from the app that Uber shared with CNN. They will need to meet the robot on the sidewalk once the meal has been delivered, use their phone to unlock it, and then take their order from a locked compartment inside the car. Users will have the choice to reject the robot delivery and select a more conventional courier delivery, as stated in the report.

The six-wheeled robots from Cartken, according to the company’s official website, are equipped with numerous sensors and cameras that aid in navigating the roadways and avoiding hazards. The business also asserts that they are programmed to select the routes with the fewest dangers. From the time they leave until they arrive back at the company’s office, they are also remotely watched.

Uber’s collaboration with Cartken is the latest in a long line of similar collaborations with third-party companies to provide cutting-edge services to its clients. A recent collaboration between the business and Hyundai’s autonomous technology joint venture, Motional, for a robotaxi service in Las Vegas, is a good example. According to reports, Uber and Motional have agreed to a 10-year agreement in which ride-hailing and delivery services in significant U.S. cities will use Motional’s Level 4 autonomous driving technology.

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Written by stepphase

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